Monday, March 21, 2011

Custom Home Building

This is a term that is used pretty loose in our industry and can mean many things to many people.  To some a custom home is one that is simply modified from an existing floor plan.  To others a custom home is one that is created from just its most basic level in just thoughts to the final product.  Custom home building in Southern MN takes on many other aspects as well.  Whether or not to incorporate energy saving ideas or not and how to orientate a home to achieve the most desired result.  Selecting a builder that allows you to explain your ideas and that listens to what you want vs what they might want is a tough choice for some people.  One of the biggest obstacles I face day in and day out is to determine what people are trying to say when they are really not saying what they want.  That has come from helping many clients design many homes and many hours up front with them figuring out how they wanted to get there.  It happens during the design process and many times through the selection process.  One of the biggest tips I can give any of my clients is to trust your gut feelings.  I have taken many clients full circle only to end up doing exactly what they thought they wanted in the beginning.  A true custom home builder's job is to make this idea a reality for you no matter what level of custom you feel you are on.  Call anytime to get your dreams set in motion!!  

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