Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spring is upon us!!!

This sounds a little crazy to post in the middle of January, but what a difference a year makes.  Since December, I have seen numerous web leads and the same goes for the phone inquiries to build this upcoming spring.  As it sits now, Med City Builders of Rochester has 3 new starts in the next 4 weeks!  We also have several pre-sold custom homes for this upcoming March through May.  All of this before the Rochester Area Builders Home Show and the Spring Showcase, which leads me to believe 2011 is going to shape up to be a great year.  Thanks largely in part to the overwhelming influx of referrals from our loyal past customer base.  Our hats go off to our past customers for that.  With Spring coming earlier than normal this year for us, we urge you to start getting your building plans in order now.  The 3 new homes we are soon to be starting have little to no frost in the ground, so it will make for ideal winter building conditions.  So if you're in the market to begin the building process, feel free to drop us a line now.  You can figure a month of preparation and another week or so to begin the process.  That puts you at March 1 if we started the project today and the end of June for your new homes closing date!  Let's get building!!!!     

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