Today I'd like to discuss the basic principles behind my process in building a new home for my clients. One of the first steps in any project is to determine what it is that we are all trying to accomplish. My initial meeting with my clients typically revolves around trying to lay the foundation for what it is they really want to do. Many times they already have ideas of what they'd like to build and I then take these ideas and lay my foundations for what I'd like to present to the draftsman or architects. Most of the time, we start an idea from nothing more than a penciled drawing on a notebook. This is what a truly custom project is stemmed from and the most enjoyable way for me to create the vision. A typical timeline for getting the prelim plans back in hand can be less than a week depending on how complex the design is. Establishing prelims will now allow me to more accurately bid the home the way the client described to me in the first meeting. Once we have started to create the template for the specifications and the floor plans, we really start to dial in the pricing. We do this by beginning the selection process prior to signing any contracts. I like to take my clients on a one or two day tour to the vendors I have had the greatest success with. At this time, we really pin point the details of what is to be built into the new home. As we go through the process, I enter all the information into the book of information we create to organize the details. This book ends up being what is ultimately faxed to all of our subcontractors as well as placed on the job site for their review. Once this part of the process is completed, we incorporate the selections into the existing spec sheet and blueprint. This is when we get the project nailed down as far as the overall price. The best advantage I have found in doing the process this way, is it allows my clients to walk into the actual purchase agreement with near to exact pricing. Thus eliminating the need for change orders along the way. Once the purchase agreement has been signed, I am able to begin the finalization of the plans and ready them for permit.
Building begins once the lot is officially closed and the permit package is ready for pickup. Through this part of the process, I meet the clients at the site to determine the best placement for the home on the lot. As we begin the actual construction, I then develop the written schedule for the entire project. This allows the client, myself, and the subcontractors to be able to follow a timeline that insures completion dates are met. It allows the subcontractors to order in pertinent items that could have possibly held up the construction process. It also and most importantly helps you, the homeowner, to better understand the process and allows the homeowner to know what is being done on a particular day so they have the option of going to the job site to see progress being made. My major focus on any job I supervise is to always have activity regardless of what it is. On days where work is not being completed, it typically means that it is filled with inspections.
Once the new home is completed, we prepare the home for closing. As we have gone through the process, we have met with the clients along the way. As we get to the end, I set up pre-closing walk throughs to uncover any minor defects that can be taken care of prior to closing. This is typically done a week or so before closing. This allows us to have ample time to complete the work. As the closing date approaches, we also conduct a final inspection to insure all of the work is done to the home owners satisfaction. At closing, I furnish the homeowner with a packet of information discussing warranties, spec sheets, State warranties, the timelines for my 30 day post closing inspection, and the 1 year post closing inspection. These 2 last inspections are great ways for me to come back to the home and discuss any questions you as the home owner might have after you have settled in. Many times, it revolves heavily on the complex heating systems we install as well as the Energy Star ratings which I typically have in hand.
In a nutshell, our relationship with you begins at the first meeting but lasts many years after. I often tell my clients that we have just became married once we have signed the final agreements. As a builder, I'm responsible for portions of their new home in upwards of 10 years. I hope this helps better understand a typical building process in the life of one of my clients eyes.
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